Goodbye Messages to Colleagues on Last Working Day

By David Mack Mack — ON Aug 20, 2023
Leave Messages for Work Colleagues

Finding the right words to say to a colleague going on temporary leave or leaving permanently is never easy. You want to simultaneously express a sense of loss, gratitude, and respect. Even if the person is not close to you, it is a noble gesture to wish them when they are leaving.

Leave messages for work colleagues should portray a sense of respect, loss, and gratitude at the same time. To help you come out with this best, I have carefully drafted the best leave messages you can write to your work colleague.

Leave Messages for Work Colleagues

  1. Hey team, I’ll be on vacation from [Start Date] to [End Date]. For any immediate concerns, please reach out to me. Looking forward to catching up when I’m back!
  2. Hi team. I’ll be out of the office today due to a personal appointment. Please feel free to reach out to me via email if you need anything. Thanks!
  3. Hello everyone. I’m sick today and will not be available. Please contact my assistant if you need urgent assistance. Take care!
  4. I’ll be working remotely for the next couple of days due to unforeseen circumstances. I’ll be reachable via email. Thanks for understanding.
  5. Hello colleagues, just a quick note to let you know I’ll be attending a conference tomorrow. You can reach me through text messages.
  6. Hi team. I’m taking a personal day tomorrow to recharge. If you need assistance, [Colleague’s Name] will be able to help. See you all soon!
  7. Hey everyone, I’ll be out of the office for a family event on [Date]. Thanks for your understanding, and my assistant will take care of things while I’m away. Have a great day!
  8. Hi there, I’ll be on a business trip for two months. I want you all to take care of everything in my absence. Thank you.
  9. Hello team. I’ll be on vacation for a few weeks. If you need anything, please, you can relate it to the receptionist. Enjoy your week!
  10. Hi all, I have a medical appointment tomorrow, so that I won’t be in the office. [Colleague’s Name] will be available to assist in my absence.
  11. Hey colleagues, I’ll be taking a personal leave day on [Date] to deal with some personal matters. Thanks for your understanding, and I can’t wait to return to work.
  12. Hi team, I’ll be out of town for a family function for a week. If you need immediate help, please contact the admin personnel. Looking forward to sharing stories when I’m back!
  13. Hello everyone, just a heads up that I’ll be out of the office for a training workshop on [Date]. If you need support, please contact the desk officer. Thanks!
  14. Hey team, I’ll be out of the office unexpectedly tomorrow due to unforeseen circumstances. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Short Goodbye Message to Colleagues

  1. Wishing you all the best! It’s been great working with you.
  2. Farewell, and keep in touch! Thanks for the memories.
  3. Goodbye, team! I’ll miss you all. Stay awesome!
  4. Time to move on. Thanks for the camaraderie!
  5. Take care, everyone! Keep rocking those projects.
  6. Sad to leave, but excited for new adventures. Stay in touch!
  7. Saying goodbye is hard, but here’s to new beginnings!
  8. It’s been a pleasure working with this great team. Goodbye, and keep shining!
  9. Thank you for the laughs and teamwork. Farewell!
  10. On to new challenges. Stay amazing, my colleagues!
  11. Bidding farewell with a grateful heart. Until we meet again!
  12. It’s not goodbye forever, just until next time. Stay connected!
  13. Signing off with gratitude. Stay motivated, team!
  14. Keep the momentum going after I’m gone. Goodbye for now!
  15. It’s been a blast. Wishing you all continued success!

Goodbye Messages to Colleagues on Last Working Day

Goodbye Messages to Colleagues on Last Working Day
  1. It’s time to say goodbye, but the memories we’ve made will stay with me forever. Thank you for the wonderful journey together. I will greatly miss this great team.
  2. As I leave, I take with me the experiences and the friendships I’ve forged here. Farewell, and keep in touch! Thanks for all the opportunities to learn and unlearn.
  3. I can’t imagine I’m leaving today. The past years have been wonderful. I’m so glad I worked here and sad I have to leave. Thanks for everything, and I wish everybody success.
  4. Hey, team, it’s not easy saying this. I’m leaving, not for bad, but for a greater opportunity. Thanks for the past two years. I wish you all the best. Farewell!
  5. My last day here, but the lessons learned and bonds formed will always remain. Wishing you all continued success, and we will meet at the top.
  6. Saying goodbye is bittersweet, but I’m excited about our paths ahead. Thank you for the support and camaraderie. Farewell, team!
  7. Today marks the end of this chapter, but our connection remains strong. Goodbye, and keep reaching for the stars!
  8. As I move on to new horizons, I want to express my gratitude for our shared teamwork and laughter. Goodbye, my dear colleagues. I will never forget about you guys.
  9. It’s been an incredible journey working alongside you all. May our paths cross again in the future. Thanks for your support and motivation throughout these years. Goodbye!
  10. Goodbyes are tough, but the friendships we’ve built are tougher. Wishing you all the best, and let’s stay connected!
  11. Walking away with a heart full of memories and a smile. Thank you for making my time here unforgettable. Goodbye, and wish you the best in your careers!
  12. Today, I bid adieu to this chapter with gratitude for the moments we’ve had. Keep shining, and let’s stay in touch!
  13. Leaving with a mix of emotions but gratitude for our shared experiences. Goodbye, and here’s to new beginnings!
  14. It’s time to close this chapter, but the stories we’ve created will live on. Farewell, my wonderful colleagues! You, guys, are the best. I will greatly miss everybody.
  15. As I enter the next adventure, I take the laughter, challenges, and growth we’ve experienced together. Goodbye, and stay amazing!
  16. The time has come to bid farewell, but the friendships we’ve built will keep us connected. Thank you for being part of my journey here.
  17. My last day here, but the memories will forever be etched in my heart. Wishing you all success and happiness. Goodbye, dear colleagues!

Touching Farewell Message to Colleagues

  1. To my amazing colleagues, as I embark on a new journey, I carry with me the warmth of our shared moments. Thank you for being a part of my story. I love you all.
  2. Saying goodbye is never easy, but the memories we’ve created and the bonds we’ve formed will forever hold a special place in my heart. See you at the top!
  3. Farewells bring mixed emotions but know that the inspiration and support I’ve received from you will continue to guide me forward. Thank you for everything. I greatly appreciate you all.
  4. As I say goodbye to this chapter, I want you all to know how deeply I’ve cherished our time together. Your kindness and teamwork have left a lasting impact on me. I will be forever grateful.
  5. Through thick and thin, we’ve journeyed together. As I bid farewell, I’m grateful for your friendship and the growth we’ve experienced.
  6. Our paths may diverge, but the connections we’ve forged will always endure. Thank you for the laughter, the learning, and the unwavering support. Goodbye, great team.
  7. Farewells mark new beginnings, and I leave with a heart full of gratitude for the camaraderie and inspiration you’ve brought into my life until we meet again.
  8. It’s with mixed emotions that I say farewell to colleagues who have become like family. Thank you for the memories, the mentorship, and the joy you’ve shared.
  9. Goodbyes are a reminder of the impact people can have on our lives. As I move forward, I carry the lessons learned and the relationships nurtured here.
  10. To my remarkable colleagues, the time has come to say goodbye. Your dedication, creativity, and kindness have enriched my journey more than words can express.
  11. As I step into the unknown, I’m comforted by the memories of our collaborative efforts and the encouragement you’ve given me. Thank you for being a source of inspiration.
  12. Farewells are a testament to growth and change. I’m grateful for your encouragement, mentorship, and friendship throughout my time here.
  13. With gratitude, I bid farewell to colleagues who have been workmates and friends. Your support has meant the world to me; I’ll always carry it with me.
  14. As I move on, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for our teamwork, creativity, and laughter. Farewell, and here’s to our journeys.
  15. Goodbyes mark the end of one chapter and the start of another. With a heart full of gratitude, I thank you for the invaluable experiences and connections we’ve cultivated.

READ MORE: Heartwarming Retirement Wishes For Colleague To Make Them Happy


In writing out these messages, personalize them to reflect the unique relationships you’ve built with your colleagues. Including a unique experience with your colleagues helps make the message more thoughtful.